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Re: вызовы суккуба
« Ответ #15 : 29 Марта 2013, 16:10:04 »
Ко мне тут в ЛС два человека обращались за советом...нашёл тут на буржуйских сайтах интересные вещи по поводу вызова суккуба.
Это не ритуалы, не простые способы типа сжигания посланий, это что-то вроде наставлений.
Там авторы пишут в чём заключается суть ритуала в принципе (даже из банального сжигания послания можно сделать целый ритуал) и как "вести диалог" назовём это так с суккубом.

О ритуалах:
There are 2 links on my blog roll that deal with rituals.  Some have success, some have failure. Why is that?

Some equate ritual with following some kind of recipe. They obsess over candle colors, time of day or night, using blood as ink (or not), etc. What they don’t understand is that these things are tools to help you focus. Rituals put you in an altered state of consciousness, whether you realize it at the time or not. You can’t be worrying over the little things when you are supposed to be concentrating on focusing your will.

They are trying to make a simple ritual more complex, as if they believe that the more complex the ritual is, the more effective it is. It’s not that there is anything “wrong” with a complex ritual. But, if you make a mistake during that ritual, what happens? You think of the mistake, and forget the purpose of the ritual. That will ruin your efforts, because you lose focus. This doesn’t have to be a complex ritual where everything has to be done correctly, according to a long script.

So perhaps they don’t get results because they are distracted.

Try this:

Settle down! Don’t rush into anything. Think this through.

Get a crystal clear picture in your mind on what you want; his/her personality and other qualities, etc. Take your time. Don’t rush it.

Gather your tools and consecrate them for the purpose you have in  mind, in a way that suits you. You can look up various methods others use, or you can do it your own way.

Find something to use as an altar. This could be just about anything,

Relax and rehearse your intended ritual in your mind.

Before the ritual:

Clean your temple area, wherever that might be. It should be a private area where you will not be disturbed. Vacuum, dust, organize, decorate, etc. Make it nice and clean. Disconnect the phone and do whatever you can to see you are not disturbed.

Take a nice long hot bath or shower, which ever you prefer. Let your daily cares and stress go down the drain.

Put on your favorite clean robe, PJs, or just go nude, which ever you prefer.

If you have a favorite incense, light it. If you have an appropriate song you like, play it. Or, do neither. It’s up to you. It is your will that is important here.

Relax and meditate in front of your altar.

Do your ritual. Understand that you are making a call. You are not forcing anyone to do anything here. You made your desires known, and a spirit that responds  has decided that you fit his/her desires. It’s all based on free-will of both parties.

Afterwards you can relax/meditate if you wish. Know that your desires have been heard and are being manifested.

Об общении
I was going to add on to my “Stages Of a Succubus” entry but I need to rest since I went to sleep around 3:00 am after me and Marissa got through talking and spending “Adult Time” with each other and woke up at 10:00 am. I’ll have to make this short and sometime this week I will add more to it. But today I want to talk to you all about ways that you can communicate with your Succubus.

1) You can talk out loud to her preferably when you are alone so that if she says something it won’t get missed by other people talking.

2) You can talk to her in your head by asking her questions. Example, (You) “Hey do you like this show?” or maybe (You) I don’t really like the way people are so critical, what do you think?”

3) You can sing to her (Preferably love songs).

4) You can write love letters or poems or anything you want to her.

5) You can meditate by clearing your mind of all distractions and just focus on hearing her voice.

6) Treat her like she is a physical woman. Example, You pulling out an extra chair for her, You leaving a little space in bed for her, You doing things that you think she may like.

7) Hygiene, To be honest I’m not the type of guy that showers everyday, I may shower every other day or sometimes every 2 or 3 days but Marissa doesn’t let me go farther than that. Usually after 2 days she will start saying in my head “Shower” and I keep hearing it in my head throughout the day and doesn’t stop until I take a shower lol. But anyway Succubus are very clean and like their men to be clean as well. So until you know how much of your “Filth” your Succubus will tolerate from your body its best to shower more and brush your teeth extra and burn some nice smelling candles or play romantic music around the house if you can.

8) Ask her to talk to you and believe that she will even when you may feel that she won’t because there is a chance that she is testing you to see if you love her enough to not let “Communication” get in the way of your belief in her, I believe that was a reason as to why Marissa basically spent a year not talking to me so that my love and faith in her could get to where it needed to be for our relationship to have little to no doubt in it.

So all in all everyone I hope this helps and as always “Have A Very Merry Succubus Day”

переведёте сами  8)

З.Ы: Думаю эта инфа и тем двоим и не только им будет полезна.
« Последнее редактирование: 29 Марта 2013, 16:13:05 от Самаэль »


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Re: вызовы суккуба
« Ответ #16 : 07 Мая 2013, 07:35:52 »
кто вызвал суккуба?
 у кого получилось а у кого нет ?
есть ли методы которые на 90 процентов из100 пизовёт суккуба?
Просто позови ее в мыслях... она скоро сама тебя навестит....


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Re: вызовы суккуба
« Ответ #17 : 24 Мая 2013, 03:52:51 »
А разве занимаясь любовью не во сне с женщиной, которой тут в полном смысле является суккуб, будешь лежать как бревно?
Нет, в погранке можно двигаться, разумеется не физическим телом. Можешь лечь на неё и делать всё то, что делаешь во время обычного секса. 

валерий палыч

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Re: вызовы суккуба
« Ответ #18 : 24 Мая 2013, 12:50:54 »
Автор: oreki
« : Сегодня в 03:52:51 »
Нет, в погранке можно двигаться, разумеется не физическим телом. Можешь лечь на неё и делать всё то, что делаешь во время обычного секса.

Довольно глубокая погранка в таком случае, больше ОС напоминает. Поскольку ОСы не практиковал, (хотя намереваюсь) не могу чего-либо конкретного сказать. Тоьлко сомневаюсь я, что даст она так просто лечь сверху... ;D
А то, что намерениями и медитацией суккуба можно призвать (в полуявь), то в этом я убедился. По-идее, бОльшая практика позволит видеть ее и в реале. Время покажет.


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Re: вызовы суккуба
« Ответ #19 : 25 Мая 2013, 07:58:38 »
Самаэль, спасибо. Очень полезная имфа, особенно про общение.
Я только только вот это не понял
Ask her to talk to you and believe that she will even when you may feel that she won’t because there is a chance that she is testing you to see if you love her enough to not let “Communication” get in the way of your belief in her, I believe that was a reason as to why Marissa basically spent a year not talking to me so that my love and faith in her could get to where it needed to be for our relationship to have little to no doubt in it.
Она что только через год с ним заговорила?
Если кому надо, вот ссылка на эти материалы
Автор: валерий палыч
« : 24 Май 2013, 12:50:54 »
 Тоьлко сомневаюсь я, что даст она так просто лечь сверху... ;D
Да нет, это миф.
« Последнее редактирование: 25 Мая 2013, 19:24:43 от oreki »